Palliative Care - After Surgery and During Treatment
Palliative Care and Surgery
Icahn School of Medicine, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Published May 2014
Palliative Care: Improving Quality of Life for People with Serious Illnesses
RevDebSeattle, Published Oct. 2010
“This video explains palliative care in the words of a palliative care patient and several care providers. They will talk about the many facets of palliative care including pain and symptom control, the team approach, keeping your own doctor..”
The Human Connection of Palliative Care: Ten Steps for What To Say and Do
CAPC Palliative, Published 2013
“Dr. Diane E. Meier is Director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC), a national organization devoted to increasing the number and quality of palliative care programs in the United States. In this video, Dr. Meier discusses 10 important steps in palliative care from over a decade of research…”
Palliative Care, a Different Voice in Healthcare: Timothy Ihrig at TEDxDesMoines
TEDxTalks, Published Sep. 2013
“Dr. Timothy Ihrig explains the benefits of palliative care that prioritizes a patient's personal values and navigates a serious illness from diagnosis to death with dignity and compassion…”
Palliative Care: Who is it For, What Does it Do, Why Should I Want it and When?
UCTV, Published Jul. 2015
“Dr. Steven Pantilat, UCSF Professor of Medicine, explains that the challenge is to help people achieve the best possible quality of life for as long as possible..”