"Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management."
To learn more about Acupuncture, visit: Acupuncture - Mayo Clinic
Emerging evidence supports acupuncture as effective in reducing chronic pain associated with cancer.
Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1441 York Street [Colfax & York] Suites C&D, Denver, CO, 80206
303.329.6355 x10 - to schedule an appointment.
“The Advanced Student Clinic at CSTCM provides affordable acupuncture and is fully supervised by expert faculty from leading U.S. and mainland China universities. The session fee is $30 in cash or check only. “
“Practitioners in our Grad Care clinic are graduates of CSTCM and are licensed practitioners through NCCAOM. They join us each week to treat patients who cannot be seen in our busy student clinic. $40 fee, cash or checks only - all treatments are 1 hour sessions.“
Denver Community Acupuncture
2530 West 29th Ave. Denver, CO, 80211
“Denver Community Acupuncture is a fully licensed and board certified holistic health center conveniently located of I-25 and Speer Blvd in the Highlands neighborhood of Denver. Our mission is to provide affordable acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and complementary healing services to everyone in our community. We work together with our patients and other practitioners in and out of our office to formulate individualized wellness plans that utilize our knowledge of healthy living for a healthy community.”
Yao Clinic
1305 S. Washington St., Denver, CO 80210
“YAO clinic has been in business since 1997 and continues to bring to its patients new and creative ways of practicing traditional Chinese Medicine backed with western internal medical analyses allowing for truth in diagnosis and purity in treatment… Our doctors work to bring into balance excess and deficiencies using: herbal pharmacology, acupuncture, functional medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, Chinese astrology and feng shui. Additionally, our doctors are well studied in reading western medical blood chemistry and fuse the information of blood chemistry analysis with their Chinese Medical background. Due to our breadth of study and experience, our practitioners are quickly able to not only know and see what is imbalanced, but to also understand and hear what will realistically work with each person. “